lauantai 30. tammikuuta 2010

Some DX this weekend

Having time and interest in DX'ing again after a break.

QTH: Turku
RX: Tecsun PL-310, little chinese pocket receiver with Digital Signal Processing and it's whip antenna

January 30th, 2010
0100 UTC 1660 kHz HOL: Radio Relmus, Holwerd, Friesland. Heard some wellknown 80's songs, then I went to Pirate Chat to ask who's it and meet the DJ there. Verified with online greetings. The DJ was surprised that his signal was catch with this kind of receiver.
1100 UTC 6205 kHz FIN: Radio Spaceshuttle International. Playing Finnish rock classics.
2330 UTC 1670 kHz HOL tent. Radio Barones, Gelderland. Sounded like him and logged this time.

January 31st, 2010
0930 UTC 6205 kHz FIN: Radio Spaceshuttle International. Better signal than yesterday.
0945 UTC 6220 kHz I: Radio Marabu via Mystery Radio. Announcing in German.
1000 UTC 5815 kHz HOL: Orion Radio Nederland, Elburg. Noisy signal but clear id finally.
1100 UTC 6395 kHz HOL: Radio Scotland. No ID but heard personal greetings to me, report given in pirate chat.

1 kommentti:

JJH kirjoitti...

Ciao a tutti!!!! Tecsun PL-310 rules eller vad?