sunnuntai 2. maaliskuuta 2008

DX-week 9

In the beginning of this week I received two QSL's:

-Radio Merlin International 6280 kHz envelope including a QSL-card, a DVD and a CD to an e-mail reception report! CD was concerning of the historical pieces of the pirate programmes on FM and SW under the names Radio Merlin International and Radio Galaxy. Galaxy was the original name of the RMI, but they changed it when realized that there was another Galaxy on air from Germany. By the way Galaxy-broadcasts were continued on FM with the old name. Both stations are operating from the England. Radio Merlin International is contactable by radiomerlin(@)

-Avtoradio 96.0 MHz with full data e-mail in Russian for a Russian language report by e-mail. This station was heard here in my QTH during the ES-conditions June 2006. Transmitter site is a famous city of Togliatti, well-known because of the car factory. I heard probably the local commercial spot but I have lost the recording, so only programme details were the network news and several song names.

Because of the QSL from Avtoradio I was enthustiatic of reporting another Russian stations aswell. I sent reception reports to Radio Shanson 88.8 MHz, Radio Don-TR 70.28 MHz, Radio Studio 103.1 MHz and Russkoye Radio Udmurtii 71.72 MHz. Thanks to friends for the kind help of solving these stations!

During weekend I listened short waves with Sangean 909 and it's telescopic antenna. I also realized that the FM-Quad makes the signal quality better on SW! It caused less electronical noise. I received Radio Exterior de España from Spain on 15585 kHz and Orion Radio from the Netherlands on 5815 kHz. Orion Radio replied very fast that it was really their programme which I heard tentatively. Orion Radio has a good looking website here.

Orion has been always very interested in DX-reports and replying fast. It used to be on air around 6300-6400 two years ago. Nowadays our friend John seems to be on air around 5700-5800. Normally during Sunday mornings.

Later sunday afternoon I received Radio Playback from Italy on 6882 and Radio Tornado from the Netherlands on 6299.